Vanessa Sequeira's net

Words ~ Poems ~ Songs for Vanessa


Gatherings ~ Commemorations ~ Tree plantings

Dedication of a tree in Kew Gardens
by Kew Gardens and the WWF in March 2007
Commemorative Tree Planting
by the University of Wales in Bangor, in December 2006
Tree Planting in Llanidloes
Rachel's Woods, in November 2006
Lemon tree
planted on Nov. 17, 2006 at the University in Gainsville, Florida
Tree plantings
in the Brasilnut-communities of Madre de Dios
"Parque da Vanessa"
trees planted by Vanessa's parents in Sobrainho dos Gaios
Homenagem no Café da Carol
Videos do círculo de amigos em Rio Branco em 8 de outubro de 2006
Gathering in Gainsville
Notes from the gathering of Sept. 15, 2006


Trip to Toco Preto
in September 2007 - from Foster Brown
2 days in the field with Vanessa
remembered by Christiane Ehringhaus
MSc thesis dedication
by Lee Dawson
A note remembering Vanessa
from Mario Chacon
Happy Birthday, Ness
Homenagens do âmbito profissional
a collection of tributes, notes, and memories from Vanessa's colleagues and friends (now loosely sorted by academic institution / locations)
The story of Ness' plants
a true story :)
Talking to Vanessa
from Nathalie
Upon hearing of the passing of a just woman
from Kirsten Barrett
We have to tropicalise the situation...
from Joana Coutinho Borges
A life so rich...
Tribute from Lee Dawson
Letter to Ness
from Cath Barton
A Vanessa.. el día de su viaje...
de Claudia Upegui
silent space for Vanessa...


The road less travelled
from Carl Hughes
The tree...
from Rebecca Sequeira
do Cazuza (Eduardo Borges)
Death, be not proud
from Jutta Sequeira
Que el viento lleve esta brisa...
from Antonio Arana
Foram-se os amores que tive...
de Cazuza
A magical moment...
from Hilary, Gareth and Amelia Moses
You can shed tears...
from Clare Shakya
from Cath Barton
Sweeping up the Heart...
from Henrietta Larken
Oratório de São Francisco de Assis
from Joana Borges Coutinho


Um sonho no Rio
from Nathalie
Let me go Home
sung by Carl Hughes and friends at Aber Falls, Wales
from Myra Sequeira
A Dor na escala Richter
from Myra Sequeira
cantada por Valério Gomes na comemoração em Gainsville, FL
Feelin' groovy
sung by Richard Wallace & friends in Rio Branco, Acre
Jardim da fantasia
sung by Christiane Ehringhaus in Estoril, Portugal
from Nathalie Sequeira
dedicated by Nelson Rodrigues

...we will be adding more of the poems, memories, and songs we have been sharing with each other in our search to accept, understand, and learn to live with Vanessas sudden departure from our world.
May this become a repository of solace and fond memories... Vanessa is, truly, amongst us.

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