Vanessa Sequeira's net

Words for Vanessa

Homenagens do âmbito profissional

Joint Scholarship program of the University of Wales and CATIE

"CATIE and the University of Wales are working to establish a scholarship to honor this remarkable young professional that will continue her research in the socioeconomics of rural sustainable development, especially in connection with people linked to the forest."

(from the CATIE homenagem to Vanessa, see below)

That this scholarship has been established was announced at the commemorative tree planting in Bangor, Dec. 2006.

Further information about the scholarship

Tributes from CATIE, Costa Rica

Homenagem da CATIE, Centro Agronómico de Investigación y Enseñanza in Costa Rica
English Version

Further voices from CATIE:

Homenagens da Associação para a Conservação da Bacia Amazônica do Peru

A boat called Vanessa...

Hasta Siempre Nesi (.jpg, 198kb download)

traduzido para Português no Blog do Altino

From CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research)

A hommage to Vanessa by her colleagues from PEN (Poverty and Environment Network), to which she was contributing with her research work
In remembrance (667 kB)

From the Rainforest Alliance
Friends & colleagues in Rio Branco (UFAC and UF)
miniMAP derechos humanos

This trinational human rights group within miniMAP was founded in reaction to - amongst others - Vanessa's death. Read about it!

More voices from around the world

Vanessa's last research project

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